如果就这样结案,那么我们就犯了逻辑推理上常见的 “诉诸权威的谬误”(Appeal to Authority)。要肯定或否定“逆渗透水与蒸馏水最不能喝”这个问题,还是要看教授所提出的理由、假设、证据与推论是否能支持其结论而定。
Appeal to Removal Review Authority 向遣返令重审局上诉
Definitions : Like the appeal to authority and ad populum fallacies, the ad hominem ("against the person") and tu quoque ("you, too!")
定义:诉诸权威或者群众是论证中的谬误,指向个人(ad hominem 也就是英文 against the person)以及“你也如此”(tu quoque 也就是英文 you, too!)
It's a question rather of how we know the author to be there firstly, and secondly, whether or not we should appeal to the authority of an author.
One of the reasons this understanding seems so problematic is the idea that we don't appeal to the authority of an author in making our mind about the nature of a given field of discourse.
We no longer appeal, in other words, to the authority of the author as the source of the meaning that we find in the text.
One kind of evidence or one kind of argument that we won't be making use of here is appeal to religious authority.
One of the reasons this understanding seems so problematic is the idea that we don't appeal to the authority of an author in making our mind about the nature of a given field of discourse.