...U)套14Real Application Clusters)4CPU套15数据分区管理(Partitioning) 4CPU套16中间件(Application Server Enterprise Edition)1 CPU套1五、线路租用及机房托管1省局——8地州处带宽为2M bps的省内长途数字电路条82省局-贵阳托管机房带宽为2M bps的SDH本地..
WebSphere Application Server enterprise Edition (EE) and the test environment built into Integration Edition provide full run-time support for enterprise services.
WebSphere Application Server企业版(Enterprise Edition, EE)和构建到集成版中的测试环境提供了对企业服务完全的运行时支持。
An access intent policy in WebSphere Application Server includes a few other properties which are only modifiable in the Enterprise edition, where policies can be customized.
WebSphere Application Server中的访问意图策略还包含了一些其他属性,这些属性只能在可实现策略定制的Enterprise版本上才能被更改。
You have now seen how the scheduled destruction of a WS-Resource can be implemented using the scheduler service in WebSphere Application Server, Enterprise Edition.
现在您已经看到了可以如何使用WebSphere Application Server Enterprise Edition中的调度程序服务来实现Web服务资源的预定销毁。