clamp applier 夹涂器
compound applier 封口胶浇注机
Clip applier 施夹器
pattern-applier 模式适配器
applier-colour labelling 在瓶罐上印商标
Endoscopic Clip Applier 内镜用施夹钳
compost-applier 施堆肥机
casing applier 套肠衣装置
同义词: applicant
同义词: applicator
以上来源于: WordNet
Applier with background in industry accumulator or SAP knowledge is preferred.
An electrical connection is provided to the metal layer and semiconductor layer and a magnetic field applier may be also provided.
A surgical clip applier and methods for applying surgical clips to a vessel, duct, shunt, etc., during a surgical procedure are provided.