...lex) (C++11) 计算一个复数的反正弦 (arcsin(z)) (函数模板) [编辑] acos(std::complex) (C++11) 计算一个复数的反余弦(arccos(z)) 原文: computes arc cosine of a complex number (arccos(z)) 这段文字是通过 Google Translate 自动翻译生成的。
在,且 ′(t ) ≠ 0 ,则 1 1 x 2 (arcsin x )′ = d arcsin x = dx dy ψ ′(t ) = dx ′(t ) ( ′(t ) ≠ 0) 二阶导数 (arccos x )′ = 1 1 x2 d arccos x = 1 1 x2 dx (arctan x )′ = [ln(x + ( 1 1+ x2 (arc cot x )′ = 1 2 1+ x x +a 2 2 d arctan x = ...
arccos x 同理可得 ; 二阶导数
以上来源于: WordNet
ABBREVIATION for arc-cosine: the function the value of which for a given argument between –1 and 1 is the angle in radians (between 0 and π), the cosine of which is that argument: the inverse of the cosine function 反余弦函数