area method [测] 范围法 ; 面积法 ; [测] 求面积法 ; 区域法
moment area method 弯矩面积法 ; 挠矩面积法
Specific surface area method 地表面积法 ; 比表面积法
slope area method 此降面积法 ; 比降面积法
velocity-area method 流速面积法 ; 流速 ; 速度面积法
End-Area Method 平均底面积法
pressure-area method 压力面积法
absorption area method 吸收面积法
Center of Area Method 重心法 ; 形心法 ; 心法
equal area method 等面积法
Type into the member function Main a few lines of code to create an instance of Quad and then assert that when the object Area method is given a length of 3 and width of 2, it returns the value 6.
Extracting metal parameters on the base of area method.
By comparing it with the errors measured by the least area method, it is proved that this method is effective.