:这时的Enter键的有效范围为该区域顶部与底部; Tab键有效范围为该区域左侧与右侧 SPSS函数 •算术函数(Arithmetic Functions),12个 •统计函数(Statistical Functions),10个 •随机变量函数(Random Variable Functions),22个 •反分布函数(Inver...
arithmetic function designator 算术函数指定符
High Level Arithmetic Function 高级运算功能
higher level arithmetic function 较高阶算术功能
arithmetische Funktion arithmetic function 数论函数
arithmetic function identifier 算术函数识别符
The only byte-oriented arithmetic function on the SPU is absdb, "absolute difference of bytes," which gives the absolute value of the difference between two operands.
SPU 上惟一一个面向字节的计算函数是 absdb(意思是 “absolute difference of bytes”),计算两个操作数间的差的绝对值。
You should make each different arithmetic function its own action/method/whatevertheframeworkcallsit and you should use the frameworks input validation for the form values (if it has one).
Gdb indicates that the program gets an arithmetic exception at line 7 and usefully prints out the line and the values of the arguments to the wib function.