或如近代所说是为艺术而艺术(Art for art’ sake)的一派,而偏重于社会动乱的直接原因,是其身处逆境时的心灵写照,以及骈赋把幽忧悲悯主题的表现放在中心位置上的文学创作...
art for art sake 为艺术而艺术
the art for art school 艺术至上派
art for art' s sake 为艺术而艺术
art for art s sake 为艺术而艺术
Art for art is no more meaningful than drinking.
This is the art of sublimation from a philosophical perspective, is art for art lies.
In order to understand ancient Egyptian art, it is vital to know as much as possible of the elite Egyptians' view of the world and the functions and contexts of the art produced for them.
He was honored for his art of description and his ability to create, with wit and humor, new kinds of characters.
VOA: special.2009.03.13
In other words, art for art's sake. That's Eliot's autotelic poem.
The first sentence of your passage: "There is no art but one delivered to mankind that hath not the works of nature for his principal object."