[ 复数 assigns 第三人称单数 assigns 现在分词 assigning 过去式 assigned 过去分词 assigned ]
Assign Shading Group 指定阴影组 ; 指定暗影组
assign marks 平分 ; 评分 ; 等分
Assign Controller 分配控制器 ; 指定控制器 ; 赋给控制器 ; 分配节制器
ASGN Assign 分配 ; 指定 ; 分派 ; 设定
Assign Profile 制定配置文件 ; 重指定纲要 ; 指定配置文件
assign to 指派 ; 指定到 ; 分配给 ; 责任人
Meter Assign 表头设定 ; 确定电平指示表显示什么内容
Assign Float Controller 分配浮动控制器 ; 分配浮动节制器
V-T If you assign a piece of work to someone, you give them the work to do. 布置 (任务)
When I taught, I would assign a topic to children that they would write about.
Later in the year, she'll assign them research papers.
V-T If you assign something to someone, you say that it is for their use. 分配 (某物)
The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker.
V-T If someone is assigned to a particular place, group, or person, they are sent there, usually in order to work at that place or for that person. 分派 [usu passive]
I was assigned to Troop A of the 10th Cavalry.
Did you choose Russia or were you simply assigned there?
V-T If you assign a particular function or value to someone or something, you say they have it. 赋予 (某功能或价值)
Under the system, each business must assign a value to each job.