...技术、药学生物分析研究助理实验员(Staff Scientist)/实习生(Intern)2医学检验技术、药学市场助理(Assistant of Marketing)/实习生(Intern)2医学检验技术、药学、市场营销、企业管理64上海纳百川人才服务有限公司Python开发工程师2客户经理2PHP若干人事...
Marketing Assistant Responsibility: ---Responsible for the local management of marketing and sales activities according to the instruction from the head office.
销售助理责任: ---根据总公司的指示负责管理本地的销售和活动。 ---收集相关的信息发送到总公司。
I have recently worked as a marketing assistant for Taipei 101 as a member of a team of eight responsible for planning and implementing the Taipei 101 anniversary event.
The goal is to encourage 'heightened deliberations,' says Scott Rick, an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Michigan. 'That will tend to the influence of emotion.'