... atom-probe 原子探针 three dimensional atom probe 三维原子探针 Imaging Atom Probe 和成像原子探针 ; 成像原子探针 ...
Atom Probe [核] 原子探针 ; 原子探测器 ; 探针材料分析仪
three dimensional atom probe 三维原子探针
Imaging Atom Probe 和成像原子探针 ; 成像原子探针
D atom probe 三维原子探针
3D atom probe 三维原子探针
atom probe ap 原子探针
atom-probe ap 原子探针
atom probe tomography 原子探针装置
以上来源于: WordNet
The trajectories of the negative ions in the negative ion atom probe have been calculated for hyperboloidal tip shape.
A software package for on-line control of the instrument and the atom probe data analysis has been developed in the Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures of Nanjing University.
The distance between the terminal atom and the probe of conduction atomic force microscopy is quite flexible, and the electronic transport properties of molecules are sensitive to the distance.