New York state'sattorney general, AndrewCuomo, has revealed that15 of the top 20 recipients in the UShaveagreed to pay back the moneybutthat some in the firm'sLondonofficeare holding out.
That settlement had input from staff from the attorney general's office and the comptroller's office, although AttorneyGeneral Eric Schneiderman and Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, both Democrats, said they never knew of the issue or three drafts of the settlement that were circulated to lawyers in their offices.
The MoJ said it was working with the Home Office and Attorney General's Office, and the review would closely involve the police, Crown Prosecution Service, victims' organisations, the judiciary and the legal community.
At the sentencing, Ms. Huntley's attorney also claimed that Ms. Huntley informed investigators that she knew about "corruption involving Eric Schneiderman, " the New York attorneygeneral whose office had filed state charges against Ms. Huntley in August regarding her non-profit agency.