...膜(eardrum) 锤骨(malleus) 镫骨(stapes) 耳蜗(cochlea) 圆形窗 (round window) 卵形窗(oval window) 听觉神经 (auditory nerve) 耳咽管 (eustachian) tube) 1. 人类的听觉功能 外耳 从耳翼(pinnas)到鼓膜(eardrum)这一段叫做 外耳。
auditory nerve examination 位听神经检查
compound auditory nerve potential 听神经复合动作电位 ; 复合动作电位
auditory nerve single-unit response 听神经单元反应
decompression auditory nerve 听神经减压术
central tract of auditory nerve 听神经中枢束
the auditory nerve 听觉神经
The purpose of this study is to detect BAEP in preschool children with different blood lead levels, and to understand the concrete position and extent of effects of lead on the auditory nerve or brainstem of auditory pathway.
参考来源 - 铅对学龄前儿童听觉诱发电位影响的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: acoustic nerve vestibulocochlear nerve nervus vestibulocochlearis eighth cranial nerve
以上来源于: WordNet
He lost the function of his auditory nerve.
We hear when the cochlea, in the inner ear , stimulates the auditory nerve.
AIM: to explore and analyze the skills of facial and auditory nerve reservation in acoustic neuroma surgery.