d avatar d替身
3D avatar D替身
User avatar 用户化身
Virtual Avatar 虚拟化身
Avatar-included 角色参与
avatar language 化身话
player's avatar 玩家替身
avatar migration 用户迁移
3 d avatar d替身
The system framework of multi-user shared virtual plant environment is put forwards. The system design of objectives, server and communication component, the description of multi-user scene and avatar, and running mechanism are described in detail.
参考来源 - 虚拟制造可视化环境及其过程管理的技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"the very avatar of cunning"
同义词: embodiment incarnation
"the Buddha is considered an avatar of the god Vishnu"
以上来源于: WordNet
N the manifestation of a deity, notably Vishnu, in human, superhuman, or animal form 天神(以人类、超人类或动物身的形式)显灵 [Hinduism]
Buckle was the avatar of the notion in the late nineteenth century.
As the sci-fi spectacular, "Avatar" sweeps all previous box-office records aside.
And this is me, this is my avatar.
"Avatar" has earned more than two billion dollars around the world, more money than any other movie in history.
VOA: special.2010.03.01
In other words, Buckle was the avatar of the notion in the late nineteenth century that everything was going to hell in a handbasket.
Pearse is seen as, in Yeats's poetry and in popular lore, as Cuchulain, as a kind of avatar of the mythic Irish hero.