barrel water levels 锅筒水位
water barrel 防水层
boil a barrel of water 烧开了一大桶水
pneumatic water barrel 抽气排水筒
gun barrel salt water 沉降罐底的盐水
water barrel effect 水桶效应
They came and rolled the barrel towards the water.
Seeing the barrel was empty, I decided to fetch water from the well.
To keep the insects at bay, Mr. Prasart has lined his paths with barrel-size water-filled porcelain jars and vases — some more than 500 years old.
为了防虫,P先生在道路的两侧摆上油桶大小的陶瓷罐子和瓶子---当中一些有500多年的历史, 里面盛满了水。