basal body [细胞] 基体 ; 基粒 ; 基部小体 ; 基础小体
basal body temperature 基础体温 ; 根底体温 ; 基础体温基础体温 ; 体温基础体温
flagellar basal body [微] 鞭毛基体
Basal Body Temperature BBT 基础体温
polar basal body-complex 极性基体复合体
BBT basal body temperature 基础体温 ; 基础
Your basal body temperature, or your body's temperature at rest, increases slightly during ovulation.
You can chart your basal body temperature, which is a more precise (if more time-consuming) method.
Using a digital thermometer or a thermometer specifically designed to measure basal body temperature, take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed.