... 内束流 internal beam current; internal current 束流头 beam head 外束流 external beam current ...
beam head-light 射光车头灯
sealed beam head light 封闭式前灯
dual beam head lamp 双光束前照灯
main beam head lamp 远光前照灯
upper-beam head lamp 远光前照灯
broad-beam head lamp 宽光大灯
head beam 扶手
vessel head lifting beam 压力容器封头提升梁
Be careful not to bump your head on the beam when you stand up.
Be careful you don't knock your head on this low beam.
Off to Bydgoszcz. At night, tenting a blanket over his head to hide his flash light beam from the Valley Forge duty officer, Salinger (by now called Jerry) had written his first short stories.