豆苗 bean seedling 豌豆 [植物学] pea; peas; pease; pisum; sativum 去皮干豌豆 split peas; 豌豆去壳机 [农业] pea viner; 豌豆收割机 viner; ...
mung bean seedling 绿豆幼苗
broad bean seedling 蚕豆幼苗
kidney bean seedling 菜豆幼苗
mung bean seedling leaves 绿豆幼叶
bean seedling and mushroom soup 豆苗蘑菇汤
Protect effect of He-Ne laser pretreatment on broad bean seedling damage by UV-B radiation.
激光对蚕豆幼苗紫外线- B辐射损伤的防护作用。
The mechanism of formation of adventitious root induced by light or dark pretreatment was initially studied in stem of broad bean seedling.
There was significant effects on growth and devplopment of after crop such as soy-bean, maize, and little effects on transplanted seedling of rice.