...米奇妙妙屋汽车之家凤凰大视野天下霸唱 梦想改造家水中拔插头不触电before you go(你走之前) 风车混沌剑神求魔 重庆大学大宋的智慧格式工厂 中国女排逆转美国十万个冷笑话 坚持献血17年安徽湖南风雹灾害韩志国奥克斯 大魔王...
Relax before you go on 演讲前要放松
Think twice before you go 三思而行
see before you go 三思而后行 ; 三思而行
Before you go play them 在你走之前踢光他们
know before you go 知道你走之前
Before you go kick-in their 在你走之前踢光他们
Before you go to sleep 在你睡觉之前
before you go to another 你走之前向另一 ; 之前你去到另一个 ; 在你走之前到另一个
before you go to bed 在你睡觉前
以上来源于: WordNet
Plan out your route before you go.
Before you go near a stockbroker, do your homework.
Give him a shout before you go.
She looked ten years younger. "You must have a cup of tea before you go." she said.
VOA: special.2010.06.12
Let me go back to the overall schedule before you go to the individual segment who gets in to see him.
But before you go, you really do need to finish your final project.