At the beginning of class, the teacher called from a list of names, expecting you to reply when she called yours.
At the beginning of the file a basic class is defined with four properties.
You added this extension point as a dependency of the BuddyNote plug-in at the beginning of the article, and you defined the associated class as BuddyNoteMessageHandlerAdapter.
在本文的开始,您将该扩展点作为 BuddyNote 插件的依赖关系添加,并将相关的类定义为 BuddyNoteMessageHandlerAdapter。
We are really just at the very beginning of open course ware, but it's a very exciting time and I look forward to seeing you in class and seeing you in class we'll talk more about this.
When you came into this class in the beginning of the semester you may have thought you were just signing up for a class in political science.
I don't know who's coming next class, or what but I'll set up a few minutes prior, at the beginning of the class, for people just to introduce themselves to the person next to them so they have some sort of resource in the class.