3、be better 更好些 I’d rewrite the last two paragraphs to make it better. 我已然重写了最后两段以使它更好。
... better 多用于 口语 ,指适当地改善原来并非很差的状态或性质,也指社会地位、经济状况的改善。 better 较好的 betterment 改良 ...
A Better Tomorrow 英雄本色 ; 无敌者 ; 明天会更好 ; 无籍者
had better 最好 ; 应该 ; 还是
for the better 好转 ; 改善 ; 恶化 ; 起色
better half 老婆 ; 配偶 ; 另一半
BETTER MAN 好男人 ; 林忆莲 ; 进化战记 ; 更好的男人
get the better of 占上风 ; 胜过 ; 战胜
We better get going 最好立刻就走 ; 最好马上就 ; 最好立时就走
be better off 境况富裕 ; 更富有 ; 生活优裕起来 ; 境况好
A Better Life 更好的人生 ; 更好的生活 ; 一个更好的人生
In the fourth chapter ,to better Chinese financial supervision law mode .
参考来源 - 我国金融监管法律模式研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"She bettered her own record"
同义词: break
同义词: improve amend ameliorate meliorate
同义词: improve ameliorate meliorate
"You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din"; "a better coat"; "a better type of car"; "a suit with a better fit"; "a better chance of success"; "produced a better mousetrap"; "she's better in math than in history"
"her health is better now"; "I feel better"
"it would be better to speak to him"
同义词: best(p)
"argued for the better part of an hour"
"She had never sung better"; "a deed better left undone"; "better suited to the job"
"I know better."
同义词: best
以上来源于: WordNet
Better is the comparative of good. 更好的
Better is the comparative of well. 更好地
ADV If you like one thing better than another, you like it more. 更大程度地 [ADV after v]
I like your interpretation better than the one I was taught.
They liked it better when it rained.
ADJ If you are better after an illness or injury, you have recovered from it. If you feel better, you no longer feel so ill. 痊愈的 [v-link ADJ]
He is much better now, he's fine.
N a person who is superior, esp in social standing or ability (身份或能力)较高者
N a person who bets 打赌者
PRON If you say that you expect or deserve better, you mean that you expect or deserve a higher standard of achievement, behaviour, or treatment from people than they have shown you. 更高标准 (的成就、表现、待遇等)
We expect better of you in the future.
Better is used to form the comparative of compound adjectives beginning with "good" and "well." For example, the comparative of "well-off" is "better-off." 用于构成由(good)或(well)开头的复合词的比较级形式
PHRASE If something changes for the better, it improves. 变好
He dreams of changing the world for the better.
PHRASE If a feeling such as jealousy, curiosity, or anger gets the better of you, it becomes too strong for you to hide or control. 某人让 (妒忌、好奇心、愤怒等情绪) 打败
She didn't allow her emotions to get the better of her.
PHRASE If you get the better of someone, you defeat them in a contest, fight, or argument. 击败
He is used to tough defenders, and he usually gets the better of them.
PHRASE If someone knows better than to do something, they are old enough or experienced enough to know it is the wrong thing to do. 明事理而不至于
She knew better than to argue with Adeline.
PHRASE If you know better than someone, you have more information, knowledge, or experience than them. 懂得更多; 更有头脑
He thought he knew better than I did, though he was much less experienced.
CONVENTION You say "That's better" in order to express your approval of what someone has said or done, or to praise or encourage them. 这样好多了
"I came to ask your advice – no, to ask for your help."—"That's better. And how can I help you?"
“我来向你请教——不,请你帮个忙。” —“这就对了,我能为你做什么?”
PHRASE You can say "so much the better" or "all the better" to indicate that it is desirable that a particular thing is used, done, or available. 要是…就好了
The fog had come in; so much the better when it came to sneaking away.
PHRASE If you intend to do something and then think better of it, you decide not to do it because you realize it would not be sensible. 重新考虑后决定不做
Alberg opened his mouth, as if to protest. But he thought better of it.
to be better than nothing →see nothing
PHRASE You use had better or 'd better when you are advising, warning, or threatening someone, or expressing an opinion about what should happen. 最好
It's half past two. I think we had better go home.
You'd better run if you're going to get your ticket.
ADV In spoken English, people sometimes use better without 'had' or `be' before it. It has the same meaning. 口语中,(had)或(be)经常省略,意思不变
Better not say too much aloud.
PHRASE You can say that someone is better doing one thing than another, or it is better doing one thing than another, to advise someone about what they should do. (做某事) 更好
Wouldn't it be better putting a time-limit on the task?
PHRASE If you say that someone would be better off doing something, you are advising them to do it or expressing the opinion that it would benefit them to do it. 最好是
If you've got bags you're better off taking a taxi.
V-T If someone betters a high achievement or standard, they achieve something higher. 超过
His throw bettered the American junior record set in 2003.
V-T If you better your situation, you improve your social status or the quality of your life. If you better yourself, you improve your social status. 改善
He had dedicated his life to bettering the lot of the oppressed people of South Africa.