...本人的星座(Constellation),看己方的恋爱,最小的火点能点着最大的树木。看本人的名字是不是吉祥能否告捷,看男女之间(Between)是不是相当等等… 2.
听,假若第二个是1 48秒(80%一分钟)我的举动广泛听假如秒针介于(Between)49和60秒(一分钟)的20%,我的动作与欺诈。如果因一头驴子踢了你,你又去踢驴子,那么,你与那头驴并没有区别。
Go-between 穿针引线 ; 中间人 ; 中介人 ; 媒人
few and far between 稀少的 ; 不多 ; 不常碰到或发现的 ; 少而分散的
read between the lines 字里行间的言外之意 ; 明白其言外之意 ; 读懂暗含的意思 ; 字里行间的话中有话
mean time between failures 平均故障间隔 ; 平均故障间隔时间 ; 平均无故障工作时间 ; [管理] 平均失效间隔时间
distinguish between 分别 ; 辨别 ; 分辨
Between Two Worlds 两个世界 ; 两个世界之间 ; 世界之间 ; 世界
between you and me 你我之间 ; 就你和我 ; 保密 ; 在你和我之间
in between 在中间 ; 新同居时代 ; 进退两难 ; 半熟恋人
In Between Dreams 仲夏夜之梦 ; 唱片名 ; 梦想之中
PREP If something is between two things or is in between them, it has one of the things on one side of it and the other thing on the other side. 在…中间
She left the table to stand between the two men.
PREP If people or things travel between two places, they travel regularly from one place to the other and back again. (往返) 于…之间 [PREP pl-n]
I spent a lot of time in the early Eighties travelling between Waco and El Paso.
PREP A relationship, discussion, or difference between two people, groups, or things is one that involves them both or relates to them both. (表示相互关系) 在…之间 [PREP pl-n]
I think the relationship between patients and doctors has got a lot less personal.
There have been intensive discussions between the two governments in recent days.
PREP If something stands between you and what you want, it prevents you from having it. 在…之间 (阻碍) [PREP n 'and' n]
His sense of duty often stood between him and the enjoyment of life.
PREP If something is between two amounts or ages, it is greater or older than the first one and smaller or younger than the second one. (数量、年龄) 介乎…之间 [PREP num 'and' num]
Increase the amount of time you spend exercising by walking between 15 and 20 minutes.
PREP If something happens between or in between two times or events, it happens after the first time or event and before the second one. (指时间) 在…之间
The canal was built between 1793 and 1797.
ADV Between or in between is also an adverb. (指时间) 在…之间 [ADV with cl/group]
My life had been a journey from crisis to crisis with only a brief time in between.
PREP If you must choose between two or more things, you must choose just one of them. 在…之中 (选择一个) [PREP pl-n]
Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language.
PREP If people or places have a particular amount of something between them, this is the total amount that they have. 共有 [PREP pron]
The three sites employ 12,500 people between them.
PREP When something is divided or shared between people, they each have a share of it. 共同享有 [PREP pl-n]
There is only one bathroom shared between eight bedrooms.
He toggled between the two windows.
I felt a strong connection between us.
The dishwasher slots neatly between the cupboards.
Between nineteen fifty-three and nineteen fifty-nine she appeared in lead parts in many popular movies: "How To Marry a Millionaire."
VOA: special.2009.12.06
The relation between the speech sounds it's like the relation, as I'm saying, between the boy and the birches.
What Buddy does, in this passage, is set up this opposition between his own reading of his story and Zooey's.