Vodafone和Verizon Wireless今天早些时候宣布了黑莓风暴手机(BlackBerry Storm),而评测和开箱报告已经在第一时间出现在互联网上。作为RIM公司的第一部触摸屏手机,对他们自己来说是一件非常重大的事件,而且至...
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It's simply amazing technology and even the touchscreen Blackberry Storm doesn't come close.
这简直是让人惊讶的技术,而且,甚至触摸屏的黑莓风暴(Blackberry Storm)都赶不上。
On the other hand, the much-hyped BlackBerry Storm has been criticized by many - including us.
Its previous forays into the world of touchscreens, with the BlackBerry Storm and Storm 2, met with mixed success.
早先,后者与黑莓Storm和Storm 2投入世界触摸屏市场已取得成功。