Plants and cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae), she says, “have evolved highly organized photosynthetic systems for the efficient oxidation of water.”
There are many kinds of algae in vast sea area and the inland water in China, such as brown alga, green alga, red alga, blue- green alga and microalgae and so on.
在我国辽阔的海域及内陆水域中生长着多种藻类,如褐藻、 绿藻、红藻及蓝藻、微藻等,其中产量较大的有海带、裙带菜和紫菜,在海藻化工上多用于生产碘、胶、醇。
Can I treat my water at home to remove blue-green algae and their toxins?