食物能值通常用氧弹量热计,或称弹式热量计(bomb calorimeter)进行测定,这是一个弹式密闭的高压容器,内有一白金坩埚,其中放入待测的食物试样,并充以高压氧,使其置于已知温度和体积的水浴...
oxygen bomb calorimeter 氧弹式热量计 ; [热] 氧弹量热器 ; 氧弹热量计 ; 弹氧热卡计
adiabatic bomb calorimeter 绝热式热量计 ; 热量计 ; 断热式热量计
isothermal-jecket bomb calorimeter 恒温式热量计
non-adiabatic bomb calorimeter 非断热式热量计
stirred-water bomb calorimeter 水搅拌爆炸卡路里计
automated adiabatic bomb calorimeter 自动绝热压力罐式量热计
Constant Volume Bomb Calorimeter 定容弹热量
atwater-berthelot bomb calorimeter 阿
Bomb calorimeter method 压力热量计法
N a device for determining heats of combustion by igniting a sample in a high pressure of oxygen in a sealed vessel and measuring the resulting rise in temperature: used for measuring the calorific value of foods (用来计算食物热量的)弹氧热卡计 [chem]
Methods Using precise rotating-bomb calorimeter.
Oxygen bomb calorimeter was used to determine calorific value of vinasse.
Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter, Method of Test for 05.
Well what you do is you bomb the food and you use something called the bomb calorimeter that looks like this, and so essentially what you do is you put the food in this device that sits inside water.