...券(Straight Bonds) 浮动利率债券(Floating-Rate Notes) 可转换债券(Convertibles) 附认购权证债券(Bonds With Warrants) 选择债券(Option Bonds) 零息债券(Zero Coupon Bonds) 双重货币债券(Dual Currency Bonds) 全球债券(Global Bonds) 国际...
... 附认股权租赁 Warrant-based Lease 附认股权证的债券 Bonds with Warrants 附认股权证公司债 Warrant Bond ; bond with warrant ...
bonds with stock purchase warrants 带收买股票权的债券
They could sweeten the terms with guarantees, as the Brady bonds did, and offer investors a share in any Greek recovery with warrants related to the country’s future economic growth.
They could sweeten the terms with guarantees, as the Brady bonds did, and offer investors a share in any Greek recovery with warrants related to the country's future economic growth.