...一个不透明视图需要整个边界里面的内容都是不透明的。基于这个原因,opaque设置为YES,要求对应的alpha必须为1.0。如果一个UIView实例opaque被设置为YES, 而同时它又没有完全填充它的边界(bounds),或者它包含了整个或部分的透明的内容视图,那么将会导致未知的结果。
utions:传统的主限推运 Benjamin Dykes 第十五单元:2012年5月28日,星期一,2:30 pm - 3:45 pm 通过范围(bounds)或期限( terms)进行分布(distributing)或指导(directing)是古代占星学中一项重要却少有人知的预测技巧。
Out of bounds 出界 ; 打手出界 ; 界外 ; 界外球
bounds checking 边界检查 ; 界限检查 ; 界限查抄 ; 边界查抄
Document Bounds 文档鸿沟
by leaps and bounds 飞速地 ; 大幅度地 ; 一日千里 ; 迅速地
leaps and bounds 跨越式
out-of-bounds 出界 ; 禁止入内的 ; 高尔夫球场界外区 ; 不得超越的
know no bounds 无限 ; 不知限量 ; 无穷 ; 漫无止境
Grow Bounds 增长边缘 ; 范围增长 ; 范围扩散 ; 增进边缘
Tight Bounds 紧密跳跃
Bound is the past tense and past participle of . (bind)的过去式和过去分词
PHRASE If you say that something is bound to happen, you mean that you are sure it will happen, because it is a natural consequence of something that is already known or exists. 必然会
There are bound to be price increases next year.
PHRASE If you say that something is bound to happen or be true, you feel confident and certain of it, although you have no definite knowledge or evidence. 应该会 [口语]
I'll show it to Benjamin. He's bound to know.
ADJ (of a book) secured within a cover or binding (书)有封面的; (书)装订好的 → see also half-bound
to deliver bound books
ADJ If one person, thing, or situation is bound to another, they are closely associated with each other, and it is difficult for them to be separated or to escape from each other. 与…密切相关的 [v-link ADJ 'to' n]
We are as tightly bound to the people we dislike as to the people we love.
ADJ If a vehicle or person is bound for a particular place, they are travelling toward it. 前往 [v-link ADJ 'for' n]
The ship was bound for Italy.
COMB in ADJ Bound is also a combining form. 开往
...a Texas-bound oil freighter.
N-PLURAL Bounds are limits which normally restrict what can happen or what people can do. 界限; 限制; 范围
Changes in temperature occur slowly and are constrained within relatively tight bounds.
...a forceful personality willing to go beyond the bounds of convention.
V-T If an area of land is bounded by something, that thing is situated around its edge. 位于…的界线周围
Kirgizia is bounded by Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.
...the trees that bounded the parking lot.
V-T PASSIVE If someone's life or situation is bounded by certain things, those are its most important aspects and it is limited or restricted by them. 约束
Our lives are bounded by work, family and television.
V-I If a person or animal bounds in a particular direction, they move quickly with large steps or jumps. 跳跃着前行
He bounded up the steps and pushed the bell of the door.
N-COUNT A bound is a long or high jump. 跳跃 [文学性]
With one bound Jack was free.
V-I If the quantity or performance of something bounds ahead, it increases or improves quickly and suddenly. 骤升
Shares in the company bounded ahead by almost 3 percent.
N [maths]
N a number which is greater than all the members of a set of numbers (an upper bound), or less than all its members (a lower bound) 界 → see also bounded
N more generally, an element of an ordered set that has the same ordering relation to all the members of a given subset 有序集的一个元素
N whence, an estimate of the extent of some set (某集合的)大致范围
PHRASE If a place is out of bounds, people are not allowed to go there. 禁止进入
For the last few days the area has been out of bounds to foreign journalists.
PHRASE If something is out of bounds, people are not allowed to do it, use it, see it, or know about it. 禁止的
American parents may soon be able to rule violent TV programmes out of bounds.