度百科 中文名:坏脑丧尸杀人狂 英文名:Brain Dead 导演: Kevin Tenney 国家: 美国 时长: 95min 年代: 2007 介绍: 这次又是陨石惹的祸…… 一颗... 坏脑丧尸杀人狂(SWF数据)
brain-dead 脑死 ; 脑死亡 ; 愚蠢的
brain-dead donor 利用脑死亡供者 ; 脑死亡供体 ; 如能利用脑死亡供者 ; 脑死亡供者
brain-dead Design 脑死亡设计
You are brain-dead do 你很脑残吗
My Brain Went Dead 我大脑断
brain stem was dead 脑干已死
Brain stem dead acute stage 脑梗死急性期
The most devastating form of brain damage is a condition in which someone is understood to be brain dead.
The most devastating form of brain damage, for example, is a condition in which someone is understood to be brain dead.
Brain dead patients could experience a wide range of complications, including diabetes insipidus, poikilothermia and metabolic instability.