Don Brash 布拉什 ; 布莱士
Brash chopper 枝梢切断机 ; 枝梢切碎机 ; 枝梢堵截机
Brash Benson 性急的班森 ; 傲慢的本森 ; 魔法师 ; 热血班森
Scott Brash 布拉什 ; 斯科特·布拉什 ; 手斯科特·布拉斯
brash ice [海洋] 碎冰 ; 碎冰群
Brash Tool 笔刷工具 ; 画笔工具
water brash 心灼热 ; 胃灼热
weaning brash 断奶腹泻
brash bread 燕麦黑面包
ADJ If you describe someone or their behaviour as brash, you disapprove of them because you think that they are too confident and aggressive. 自以为是的 [表不满]
On stage she seems hard, brash and uncompromising.
brashly ADV 自以为是地
I brashly announced to the group that NATO needed to be turned around.
N loose rubbish, such as broken rock, hedge clippings, etc; debris 废弃物(如碎石、剪枝等)
N [pathol] → another name for heartburn