brine water mud 盐水泥浆
brine water 盐水 ; 海水
brine water pump 海水泵
brine water dissolving tank 融盐水箱
brine water Grotto 卤水石窟
brine water cooler 盐水水冷器
underground brine water 盐度地下卤水
concentration brine water 高浓卤水
BWR Brine Water Return 冷冻盐水回水
Dig down and you find brine - water saturated with salt - rich in deposits of lithium, the lightest metal.
Desalination inevitably leaves behind a concentrated brine, which can harm the environment and even the water supply itself.
Some employ distillation, which needs about 10 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per cubic metre of seawater processed. Brine is heated, and the resulting water vapour is condensed.