bring up 教育 ; 提出 ; 养育 ; 抚养
bring up sb 抚养某人 ; 抚育某人
bring up a new generation 培养一代新人 ; 造就一绰人 ; 造就一代新人
bring up old scores again 比喻把过去的矛盾
Bring up the Bodies 死尸示众 ; 提堂 ; 带上尸体
to bring up a claim 提出索赔
Won't to bring up 不想长大 ; 播放不想长大
bring up sth 提出 ; 提起某事儿
同义词: raise conjure conjure up invoke evoke stir call down arouse bring up put forward call forth
同义词: bring up
同义词: bring up
以上来源于: WordNet
PHRASAL VERB When someone brings up a child, they look after it until it is an adult. If someone has been brought up in a certain place or with certain attitudes, they grew up in that place or were taught those attitudes when they were growing up. 养育
She brought up four children.
He was brought up in Nebraska.
PHRASAL VERB If you bring up a particular subject, you introduce it into a discussion or conversation. 提出
He brought up a subject rarely raised during the course of this campaign.