virginianus)有亲缘关系(参阅角鸮〔horned owl〕条).其他几个雕鸮属(Bubo)的种亦称雕鸮,如非洲撒哈拉以南的点斑雕鸮(B. africanus)和东南亚的林雕鸮(B.
、石鸡、蟾蜍( Buf o buf o) 、四 不像、麂子( Muntiacus feae) 、鹰嘴龟( Platuysternon mega2 cephalum) 、猫头鹰( Bubo bubo) 、穿山甲、龟( Chinemys reevesi) 、鳖 ( Trionyx sinensis ) 、蕲蛇、乌梢蛇 ( Zaocys dhumnades) 、小灵猫、香獐( Mosch...
Tutufa bubo 大白蛙螺
Bubo nipalensis 林雕鸮
Bubo lacteus 乳黄雕鸮
Bubo capensis 海角雕鸮
Bubo coromandus 乌雕鸮
Bubo ketupu 马来渔鸮
Bubo africanus 斑点雕鸮
Bubo poensis 弗雷氏雕鸮
Bubo peli 横斑渔鸮
同义词: genus Bubo
以上来源于: WordNet
N inflammation and swelling of a lymph node, often with the formation of pus, esp in the region of the armpit or groin 腹股沟淋巴结炎 [pathol]
Prices up and up in recent years, before the housing bubo bubble boost burst.
A large Eurasian owl (bubo bubo) having brownish plumage and prominent ear tufts.
A large Eurasian owl (bubo bubo) having brownish plumage and prominent ear tufts.