Buddhism and Confucianism & Taoism 儒道佛
combination of Buddhism and Confucianism 佛儒合一
Unification of Buddhism and Confucianism 儒禅合一
dispute between Buddhism and Confucianism 儒佛之辨
relationship between Buddhism and Confucianism 佛儒关系
disparaging Buddhism and merging Confucianism 贬佛融儒
Life in beginning of Ming dynasty Yang Fu, is inheriting the Nanzhao and the Dali country time "Buddhism and Confucianism" the tradition. His political ethics thought is displaying the Confucianism thought and the Buddhism thought close union.
参考来源 - 明代大理白族政治伦理思想略论·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Similar thoughts exist in Buddhism and Confucianism.
Consider how Buddhism and Confucianism into South Korea.
The idea of harmony, for example, is a rich philosophical concept in classic Buddhism and Confucianism.