bulk goods [贸易] 散装货物 ; 散装油品 ; 大包装产品 ; 散装品
bulk goods transport [交] 散装货物运输
bulk goods yard 散装货物货场
light and bulk goods [交] 轻浮货物
bulk goods truck driver 大宗货物的卡车司机
bulk goods container 散堆装货物箱
bulk goods store 散货仓库
loose bulk goods 松散货物
Bulk goods transportation 散装运输
basic tariff of bulk goods 零批货物基本运价
We regret very much that you shipped bulk goods not corresponding in quality with the sample.
The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of shipping rates for bulk goods, has foundered.
衡量散货运费的波罗的海干货指数(Baltic Dry Index)已经崩溃。
Some belts, especially conveyors for bulk goods, run in so-called troughs, thus having a lateral curvature.