火烧心指的是在心窝后侧的 一种烧灼感(burning sensation),会有向上蔓延的感觉, 是常见的胃食道逆流疾病典型症状之一 (1,5,9) ,而烧灼感 则是功能性食道疾病的主要症状,但病患不会去...
burning sensation no urination 排尿时的灼烧感
burning sensation during urination 小便灼热
burning sensation of five centres 五心烦热
And A Burning Sensation 并有烧灼感
parotiditis with burning sensation 腮肿焮燃
Skin Burning Sensation 皮肤有灼热感
She felt a burning sensation in her throat.
The ant gets its name form the burning sensation caused by its sting.
Heartburn is described as a harsh, burning sensation in the area in between your ribs or just below your neck.