bus fare 车费
City bus fare 公车票
Bus fare books 车票本
Reduced bus fare 降低公汽的票价
a bus fare 公共汽车费
About Your Bus Fare 关于你车票
bus fare detail 车票费
Bus Fare Casting System 公交车投币系统
Bus s fare 公车费率 ; 公交车票价
bus automatic fare collection system 巴士自动收费系统
Back in the car, on the way to Winborn, my father asked the man if he had money for bus fare. His brother had sent tickets, the man said.
Now the JDC helps with fund-raising, but Hodes still digs into his own pocket when a patient needs bus fare or a meal.
如今,由美裔犹太人联合分配委员会(JDC)帮助筹集资金。 但当赫德看到有病人需要路费或饭钱时,他仍然自己掏腰包。
She managed to make her way home only after local farmers cobbled together a bit of money for her bus-fare.