波兰同运团体「反恐同阵线(Campaign Against Homophobia)是在数周前释出游行消息,因此有关这场游行的争议已在波兰喧腾了好一阵子,反恐同阵线原订于9日举行游行,但因为当天刚好也是波兰...
以上来源于: WordNet
A Peruvian activist, Jorge Bracamonte, ran for a seat in the Andean Parliament last year, not so much to win (he didn't) but in order to campaign against homophobia.
秘鲁活跃分子Jorge Bracamonte去年竞选一个在安第斯议会的席位,并不是为了赢(他也没有赢)而是为了发动一场对同性恋恐惧症的战役。
Shortly after the Moyles incident a campaign against homophobia was launched in Britain under the slogan "homophobia is gay", playing on the double meaning of the word "gay" in youth culture.