食品中文名称: 刺棘蓟 食品英文名称: Cardoons 农药中文名称: 异狄氏剂 农药英文名称: Endrin 限量生效日期: 残留限量值: 食品相关限量: (英国)刺棘蓟中克菌丹的使用限量规定
有几种植物, 如拉普 拉达( Laplata ) 的刺菜蓟(Cardoon ) 和高蓟( tall thistle ) , 它 们原是由欧洲传入的物种, 而现在它们在南美洲的广大平原 上, 已成为最常见的植物了, 往往在数平方...
同义词: Cynara cardunculus
以上来源于: WordNet
N a thistle-like S European plant, Cynara cardunculus, closely related to the artichoke, with spiny leaves, purple flowers, and a leafstalk that may be blanched and eaten: family Asteraceae (composites) 南欧洲刺菜蓟
Cardoon is an indoor landscape design and maintenance company that relies heavily on its presence in the cloud to coordinate and manage its plant care specialists.
One of the dieffenbachias at the Chili's restaurant in Evanston needs watering and has tweeted its status via the restaurant's Wi-Fi connection to Cardoon, LLC.
埃文斯顿的一家墨西哥式餐馆的一种花叶万年青需要浇水,通过餐馆到 Cardoon, LLC 的 Wi-Fi 连接来 tweet 其状态。