cartesian product 笛卡儿积 ; 笛卡尔积 ; 笛卡儿乘积 ; 笛卡尔乘积
the Cartesian product 迪卡尔密度产品 ; 笛卡尔积 ; 笛卡儿积
kartesisches Produkt cartesian product 笛卡儿积
fuzzy Cartesian product 模糊笛卡儿积
Ordered Pairs & Cartesian Product 序偶与笛卡尔积
cartesian Product space Cartesian乘积H
Cartesian product of graphs 图的直积 ; 图的笛卡尔积
the Cartesian product of graphs 笛卡尔积图 ; 图的笛卡尔积
cartesian product codes 笛卡尔积码
strong cartesian product 强笛卡尔积
Each data point or cell of a cube is the Cartesian product of members of its dimensions.
If the number of tuples, calculated by using the Cartesian product, exceeds the set threshold; the NON EMPTY clause is applied to the query.
如果通过使用Cartesian产品计算的元组数超过设定的阈值,将NON empty子句应用于查询。
The net result of the fake fact query subject will be to create a Cartesian Product for the dimensions, which returns in a shorter period of time.