防火形成矛盾门类的纸板-好家居 ... (塑料薄膜用)浇铸纸casting paper 目次纸catalog(ue)paper 启里纸,画图纸catridge paper ...
A purchasing agent validates the line items on a paper request form, verifying that the part number and price matches the internal catalog.
This paper covered how to install and configure PHP, described how to catalog a Derby node for ODBC using the IBM DB2 ODBC driver, and demonstrated how to perform basic database operations with PHP.
本文介绍了如何安装和配置PHP,描述了如何使用IBM DB 2 OD BC驱动程序为odbc编目derby节点,并演示了如何用PHP执行基本的数据库操作。
The paper introduces the OAI-PMH protocol, then constructs the Union Catalog of Universities of Shanxi Province based on OAI-PMH, and gives the detailed discussion of integral part.
本文在介绍OAI - P MH协议的基础上,构建了基于OAI - P MH协议的山西省高校联合目录,并对其组成部分进行了详细探讨。