几个常用测试用例设计方法及应用—《电脑知识与技术》—2010年第1期—龙源期刊网 关键词:测试用例;等价类;边界值;因果图 [gap=669]Key words: test case; equivalent; limit value; causal graph
... causality graph 因果关系图 causal graph 因果关系 A line representing data on a graph. 曲线在图表上代表数据的一条线 ...
Temporal causal graph 时间因果图
Causal graph heuristic 因果图启发式
Causal Graph Mix Heuristic 因果图混合启发
Causal Dependency Graph 因果关系图
causal temporal graph 时间因果图
causal relation graph 因果关系图
The results of temporal causal graph can be used to detect fault by monitoring system operation parameters.
By analyzing the growing process and the key factors, a causal graph and a system dynamical model, which can describe the changes of corporate lifecycle, are built.
The Power PC theory was tested by using the concentrative presentation of graph representation of information and the paradigm of comparing causal power.
在用图形方式集中呈现信息的条件下 ,用因果力大小比较的实验范式检验效力PC理论。