...犹太人传统食物的特点是「甜,像是果蘸蜂蜜、蜂蜜蛋糕、Tzimmes(一种加蜂蜜煮的红萝卜甜点)等。就连传统哈拉面包(challah)也比平日甜,并且外形做成圆圈状,象征着完满且无尽甜蜜。 我对「甜这个犹太拉比想法,有点想不通。
Six-strand Challah Dough 犹太人的六股辫子面包
N bread, usually in the form of a plaited loaf, traditionally eaten by Jews to celebrate the Sabbath 白面包; 犹太教徒在安息日食用
A thick tree near the bank had a crook just fit my size, and nestled within it I picnicked on radishes, spicy sausage, challah and the homemade wine from Nana.
河岸附近的一棵茂密的树有一个弯曲处刚好适合我的大小,我依偎在树下,吃着萝卜、辣香肠、白面包和从 Nana 那带来的自酿葡萄酒。
Adam's always kvetching about the lack of cute Hanukkah treats, so he was thrilled to find this braided challah menorah. A bright addition to the Festival of Lights.