到付运费手续(Charges Collect Fee) 仓储费(Charges for storage) GCR之级距 最低运费(Minimum Charges) :即每批货 物之最低收费额 正常运费(Normal Rate) :即货物在45公 斤以下者适用 ...
The warehouse claims a lien for all lawful charges for storage and preservation of the goods.
For instance, companies could incur higher network charges from their service providers for storage and database applications containing terabytes of data in the cloud.
比方说,如果企业要使用服务提供商提供的云中的存储服务和包含T b级数据的数据库应用程序,可能需要支付很高的网络费用。
If the necessary papers for clearance are not available or arrive late, severe penalties or excessive storage charges may be incurred.