... 美国麻省理工学院的教授陆义 斯(Gilbert Newton Lewis, 一八七五 ~ 一九四六),后来整个化学键理论(Chemical bond theory)就是建立在他的思考上。 想想看,是什么因素使两个原子在一起呢?
Chemical bond theory of complexes 配合物化学键理论 ; 合作物化学键实际
complex crystals chemical bond theory 复杂晶体化学键理论
theory of chemical bond 化学键理论
The relative stabilities of intermediate compounds and titanium monoxide were examined deeply with quantum chemistry, crystal field and chemical bond theory.
According to the chemical bond theory, the new function of bond parameters, which provides theoretical basis for the selection of alloying elements, has been derived.
VB theory and molecular orbital (mo) theory are the two most influential quantum-mechanical theories of chemical structure and nature of the chemical bond nowadays.