A chief financial officer at a for-profit company may well be able to step into the CEO or COO role at a nonprofit company.
营利性企业的一位首席财务官在非营利性机构中有可能担任 CEO 或 COO。
"A chief financial officer at a for-profit company may well be able to step into the CEO or COO role at a nonprofit," she says.
That Mr Skilling's sentence was so much harsher than that of Andrew Fastow, the former chief financial officer whose role in Enron's collapse was far clearer, has also caused disquiet.
斯基林的判刑比安然前首席财务官安德鲁•法斯托(Andrew Fastow)严厉得多,这也引发了忧虑。法斯托在安然倒闭事件中的作用比斯基林明朗得多。