母亲做些小事情 孩子形成好品行_科教文汇(下旬刊)_2012-6_91阅读网杂志文章阅读 关键词 母亲 孩子 品行形成 [gap=327]Key words mother;child;the shaping ...
儿童OSAHS外科治疗相关问题探讨 相关:睡眠呼吸暂停,阻塞性(Sleep Apnea,Obstructive) 儿童(Child) 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)是睡眠呼吸障碍中的一个类型,是一种对儿童健康危害较大的疾病,扁桃体和/或腺样体切...
Destiny's Child 天命真女 ; 天命真女合唱团 ; 真命天女 ; 天命真女组合
child prodigy 神童 ; 台球神童 ; 中原神童 ; 华夏神童
illegitimate child 非婚生子女 ; 私生子 ; 非婚生子
WILD CHILD 野孩子 ; 自然之子 ; 野蛮公主 ; 野生儿
Julia Child 茱莉亚·蔡尔德 ; 茱莉亚·查尔德 ; 柴尔德 ; 查尔德
child process 子进程 ; 子女进程 ; 子行程 ; 子处理序
War Child 战火孤雏 ; 战火儿童 ; 战争中的孩子
child actor 童星 ; 儿童演员 ; 童角
child marriage 童婚 ; 婚童
Conclusion The major ro ute of the children's infection is mother-to-child transmission.
结论 阜阳市HIV儿童主 要感染途径为母婴传播。
参考来源 - 阜阳市40例艾滋病病毒感染儿童感染途径及治疗情况—《中国学校卫生》—2007年第7期—龙源期刊网We performed Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist before and 6 months after the closure.
参考来源 - 介入治疗与外科治疗对先天性心脏病患儿心理行为影响的研究The concentration of ropivacaine would not changed if analgesia was not ideal and not improved by lidocaine. The concentration was increased or decreased sequentially in a ratio of 1.4 based on the analgetic effect on the prior child.
参考来源 - 罗哌卡因在幼儿尿道下裂成形术中的半数有效浓度测定To examine the reliability and validity of the Child Abuse Scale (CAS).
参考来源 - 儿童受虐量表、儿童被忽视量表的编制及信度效度研究For modernity realization, not only needs sharp eyes, a child-like innocent curiosity mood, but also needs recording their own impressions into the works of art frame. Modernity is full of contradictions and disputes and contains all sorts of paradoxes.
参考来源 - 现代审美经验的阐释与开拓·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"she writes books for children"
同义词: kid youngster minor shaver nipper small fry tiddler tike tyke fry nestling
"they had three children"
同义词: kid
"he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived"
同义词: baby
"the children of Israel"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A child is a human being who is not yet an adult. 小孩
When I was a child I lived in a country village.
...a child of six.
N-COUNT Someone's children are their sons and daughters of any age. 子女
How are the children?
His children have left home.