San Diego Chinese Choral Society 华圣合唱团
a choral society 唱诗班合唱团
a choral society detail 唱诗班合唱团
choir choral society detail 合奏合唱
The Choral Society 合唱协会
Joslin Grove Choral Society 表演者
Oneness Choral Society 合一合唱团
Estonian Choral Society 爱沙尼亚合唱协会
This is a photograph of the Fushun Choral Society at the Japanese Mission where Fr.
Roman is on the tennis team at her school. She also sings in the choral ensemble, serves on the student council and is a member of the mathematics society.
Welcome 2006", a Joint Choral Presentation with Nantah Alumni Choir, Art Star Arts Society Choir, at Univerisity Cultural Centre, December 31st, 2005."