Chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎 ; 气管炎 ; 性支气嗓炎 ; 支气管炎
senile chronic bronchitis 老年人慢性支气管炎
Chronic bronchitis and emphysema 慢性支气管炎及肺气肿
Chronic bronchitis models 慢性支气管炎模型
acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎急性加重 ; 慢性支气管炎急性发作 ; 支气管炎急性发作 ; 支气管炎急性加重
chronic bronchitis chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎
exercise therapy in chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎医疗体育
Chronic bronchitis model 仙芪合剂 ; 慢性支气管炎模型
chronic bronchitis with asthma 慢性支气管炎并哮喘
Simple chronic bronchitis 单纯性慢性支气管炎 ; 慢性单纯型支气管炎
He was suffering from chronic bronchitis.
Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are terms that are no longer used and are now included within the COPD diagnosis.
Inflammation of the respiratory tract causes coughing, mucus secretion, aggravation of asthma and chronic bronchitis and makes people more prone to infections of the respiratory tract.