inverse circular function 反三角函数
direct circular function [数] 直接圆函数
periodic circular function [数] 周期三角函数
inverse e circular function 反三角函数
circular symmetirc function 圆对称数
circular cylinder function [数] 圆柱函数
function with circular symmetry 圆对称函数 ; 功能块
circular lens transfer function 圆透镜变换函数
以上来源于: WordNet
N → another name for trigonometric function
The relationship between heads relative displacement and sheets maximum deformation is deduced by circular function forming model.
Double Angle formula can transform the circular function equation to a biquadratic algebraic equation, and the analysis solution can be solved by extract equation directly.
In Listing 2 a circular reference is created by calling the external function myFunction.