classical mechanics [力] 经典力学 ; 古典力学 ; 美国麻省理工学院教程 ; 牛顿力学
Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics 经典力学中的数学方法
the classical mechanics 经典力学的
classical mechanics method 经典的力学方法 ; 经典力学的方法
nonrelativistic classical mechanics [力] 非相对论性古典力学
classical statistical mechanics [力] 经典统计力学 ; 古典统计力学 ; 经典统计力学的
generalized classical mechanics 广义经典力学
method of classical mechanics 经典力学方法
cosmology of classical mechanics [天] 经典力学宇宙学
That never happens in classical mechanics, because there are always levels there.
If I've got classical mechanics, then that means it's vibrational energy.
Also, when we're looking at the Schrodinger equation, it allows us to explain a stable hydrogen atom, which is something that classical mechanics did not allow us to do.