...流工作台,超净工作台,净化工作台,洁净工作台,◎ 水平流超净工作台,生物工作台, 洁净工作台又称为无尘无菌操作台 (CLEAN BENCH) ,CLEAN BENCH 可在作业台上做出局部的清净空间◎ ,所以只要管理运用得宜则其为最具经济性又可得到高度清净化空间的作业台,因...
super clean bench [微] 超净台 ; 超净工作台
air clean bench 洁净工作台
Vertical Flow Clean Bench 超净工作台 ; 工作台根据气流的方向分为垂直流净化工作台
horizontal flow clean bench 水平流超净工作台
Clean bench to remove static 消静电洁净工作台
Horizontal Clean Bench 水平超净工作台
Bio Clean Bench 超净工作台
Vertical Clean Bench 垂直洁净工作台
Clean Bench length of life related to the degree of air cleanliness.
In factory production, inoculation heavy workload, the need for frequent long-term work, the Clean Bench is the ideal equipment.
These common sense should be when they start using Clean Bench to explain clearly to staff, should not result in exemption from the accident and loss.